Recently, while visiting a couple farms, we showed up to one location at the wrong time (we all make scheduling errors, right?!) The farmer and his wife were on their way out the door, and rather than telling us to come back at the original time, he and his wife took the afternoon to sit down and help us understand how we could all work together and how Pure Pili could help his farm continue to flourish. What generosity! In many cultures we might not be given the time of day for disrupting another’s time, especially with his wife! In the Philippines, we have discovered tremendous generosity from every local, farmer, and family. Going beyond what words can describe. And in turn, they want to be able to share the gift of the Pili Fruit as well!

So what’s the big deal with the Pili?
The Pili (known in the scientific world as Canarium ovatum) is an indigenous tree mainly located in the Philippines. This hardy tree is best known for growing in the rich organic volcanic soil and is known as a good reforestation tree given its resistant to typhoons and pests. The Pili Tree is beginning to catch on as the “majestic tree” because of its impressive beauty and dignified stature to withstand the harsh seasons of heat and rain in the Philippines.

Pure Pili is working with various groups throughout the region to help unite farmers and offer stronger ways to sustainably flourish the gifts of the pili. With the continued growth of the pili around the world, Pure Pili is dedicated to maintaining a sustainable environment. We are excited to continue our work in creating new channels and relationships throughout the Philippines to bring you the best Pili Oil!